5 Ways to Help Combat Work From Home Loneliness

Our time at home has increased dramatically these past months and the lack of interaction with people (other than those in our households), has left us feeling more lonesome. The World Economic Forum even reported that loneliness is one of the top downsides of remote work. Without the traditional office environment, water cooler chats with co-workers have been replaced with online messaging and video chatting.

With no office space, the camaraderie between coworkers has almost been removed. Rather than wait around until offices reopen, Nexus put together a list of ways to combat work from home loneliness:

Write less, speak more.

It's easy to get caught up in your workflow, but remember the days when you and your coworker would meet for coffee? That morning or mid-day catch-up session doesn't have to end now that you're working from home. Emailing may be more convenient, but research shows that people connect more with others when they speak rather than through text.

Connect with your coworkers and set aside 15-20 minutes a couple of times a week to catch up over the phone.

Send quick check-ins over chat.

For the workdays that are especially busy, rather than only communicate with coworkers about work-related topics, do a fast check-in. Sending a quick "how are you?" over chat helps break the day up and lets your mind focus on something other than work for a moment. Think of it like when you'd go over to your coworker's cubicle to say hi in the middle of the day.

Make after-work plans.

Replace after-work drinks with video chat happy hours or team bonding time. For managers especially, getting together with your team after work is perfect for checking-in and boosting morale. Invite people to weekly after-work video chat sessions. If it's on their calendar, then people will also have something to look forward to each week.

Create social communities based on common interests.

Find a popular topic or interest and invite people throughout the company to a one hour weekly session where you can meet on video and discuss. Not only will you make connections with other coworkers, but it will give you a break during your workday to talk about something you love.

Spend more time outdoors.

Just like a traditional workday, be sure you're taking breaks throughout the day. Getting outside, especially while the weather is still nice, can help boost your mood and productivity. The change of scenery will also prevent you from burning out.

Working from home has been an adjustment, but it's all about finding the perfect work-life balance. Rather than go through it alone, keep in touch with your coworkers with the above tips.

If you're looking to grow your team or are looking for temporary services, team up with Nexus to achieve your staffing and recruiting goals.

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